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There are some tips for you, these are the tips.
Creat a budget. You need to do create a budget. It seem not important. But, this is first step to manage money well.
About Your Expenses
You must understant your expenses. It will show you how much you pay what your need a month.
About income
Think about your income. How much money you make thats not important. But how you think income that you got and can recovery your life.
Do you have a debt?
Everyone does not like debt. But if you have one. Think it and pay it early.
Stop Spend Unnecessary thing.
Save money. Dont use your money to all activities thats not important.
Money can go anywhere. But its hard to come to you easy.
Do you have emergency fund?
If your answer no, let start from now. You must prepare your self to face something happen suddenly. Save 5-10% from your income to emergency fung. We never know what will happen tomorrow.
Lets Start thinking about retirement.
And then, lets start think about retirement. You will not working all of your life. One day, you are too weak to work. Save your money to prepare that moment will come.
Do I Need, personal asset management?
If you have much money its okay. But, I think you only need to learn by your self how to manage money well it will be better,