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Before that, you have to think twice. What the best insurance company in the world. Yes here are 10 top insurance companies in the world.
At least this insurance operated in 57 countires. This companies has a headquarter in Paris. Axa makes revenue about 100 Euro billion/year. So, its a big company, isnt?
#Zurich Insurance Group
From Switzerland, since 1872.This is Zurich Insurance. Zurich covered about 170 countries.
#China Life Insurance
Begin at 1949. Yeah You know where is this company come from. China. Many insurance product you can buy here.
#Berkshire Hathway
This Company founded in 1889. Now Warren Buffet, make it better. And you know who is warren buffet?
Prudential, this brand knew by any one. Many country covered by this Company. Yes, this a big insurance company that you have to choose.
# Munich Re Group
in 30 Countries. We cant say this a small company.
#United Health Group
the best player healthcare in United States.
#Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A.
Now this company in at least 65 countries. This company founded in 1831. In Europe this a good name company one.
#Japan Post Holding
After China, there a big insurance company from Asia. We call it Japan Post Holding.
Talking about insurance company. If you forget to spell Allianz, you just forget something wrong.
Thats all 10 best insurance company. You can compare all product and think about what you need before buy one of insurance product.